Accredited Investors interested in reviewing our Private Placement Memorandum package can contact us directly via submission of the following form. We will answer any questions and send you the link to our INVESTOR DEAL ROOM.
William Murray, CEO Tel: (702) 630-7484 Las Vegas, NV
Disclaimer: The information requested above has been prepared on a confidential basis solely for your informational purposes and is being furnished only to a limited number of sophisticated investors for discussion purposes only. It is not an offer to buy or sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy or sell any equity securities or to otherwise participate in any investment or trading strategy (“Investment”). If any offer of Investment is made, it shall be pursuant only to our definitive Private Placement Memorandum subscription documents and/or other relevant definitive legal documents. The Opportunity mentioned in these documents will not be registered in your jurisdiction, and to the fullest extent possible, any such offer will be made only pursuant to private placement exemptions available. It may, therefore, not be eligible for sale or investment in your state and may not be suitable for you or certain types of investors. As such, any decision to make an Investment should be made after reviewing the Private Placement Memorandum documents, which will contain representations by you that you are a sophisticated investor meeting any relevant regulatory requirements and that you have conducted such investigations as you deem necessary and after consulting your investment, legal, accounting, and tax advisors in order to make an independent determination of the suitability and consequences of making such an Investment. The contents of this website is the proprietary information of The Hydrogen Group, Inc. ( the"Company") and any reproduction or dissemination of this information, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of the Company is prohibited.